Tuesday, 23 March 2010


Mad about horses? So are we!

Welcome to Beechley Riding Stables blog. We will be using the blog to let everyone know of the activities and events which will be happening at the stables. For those of you who don’t know about us, Beechley Riding Stables lies within Calderstones Park in the Allerton district of Liverpool. It lies within approximately 1/2 mile of the city ring road A5058 and is accessible from the A562 Menlove Avenue.
The stable has many facilities which can be used by both disabled and able bodied riders of all ages and abilities. To find out more about us you can phone us on 0151 724 4490. Or why not come along to see the facilities for yourself.
Add yourself as a follower of our blog to make sure you are able to keep up to date with the events at the stables.

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